- Author : Moazzam Khan Lodhi
- Subject : Current Affairs
- Language : English
- Cover : Paper Back
- No of Pages : 390
- Edition : Latest Edition
- Publication : CEPI Pakistan
Author :
When I was going through the available resources for “Current Affairs” in context of Competitive Exams, I realised that while there are many “Text Books”, there is a crying need of literature beyond text books which will help the students score well in Current Affairs. Identifying this crucial gap, it is a matter of immense pleasure and honor to introduce this effort to all of you, readers! Teaching has always been my passion and when one turns his passion into his profession, it doesn’t seem like a daunting task anymore.
Hence. it is recommended that for thorough understanding, more clarity and detailed analysis, this book must be read along with “Understanding Pakistan Affairs”. Use the pair for best results!
It is a common perspective that a CSS candidate must know everything about a subject. Although it is difficult to have an i dea about everything, this book is an endeavour to help you grasp the TARGETED knowledge required on Current Affairs to score well. It is to be assured that while writing this book, continuous changing pattern of CSS examination has been taken into account and the guidelines of FPSC have been taken care of, as well. The content is curated in an cxam-centric approach, purposefully crafted for a HIGH SCORE in competitive exams.
Note that some of the topics given by FPSC in Pakistan Affairs and Current Affairs have similar knowledge-base, though the paper attempting tcchnique is drastically different in both the papers. For this purpose, I have written another book, “Understanding Pakistan Affairs,” for the aspirants of competitive exams.
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